Right now, I’m witnessing this tagline in action.
My husband and I are hosting a French exchange student who
arrived last week. Pierre is a really
great kid, but his English is limited.
The judgments he makes remind me of the importance of visual appeal and
first impressions.
At the grocery store, I asked Pierre to pick out cereal for
breakfast. His preference? Cocoa Puffs.
On his first day of school, Pierre wasn’t sure which group
in the gym was his track class. So he
went to the class with students that appealed to him most. Cheerleading.
At the mall, Pierre quickly found a black t-shirt with white
writing that reads, “Overdosed on Confidence.”
My husband and I tried to explain what the shirt meant. We tried to help Pierre understand the
innuendo associated with the word “overdose.” Pierre didn’t mind. He said that in France, people wear shirts
because, despite not knowing what they mean, they look cool.
Every day, people make judgments based on what they
see. And though most of us do speak and
read English well, the lesson remains. Whether
an advertisement, a memo, our appearance, or our website, impressions matter.
Always strive to make your first impression a great one.