When I was at the Caller-Times, I took short walks around a close park
when my brain was tired or full. One
day, my boss saw me walking and figured something must be wrong. He told me I could go home for the day!
Too many commitments, tedious projects, or sometimes even the weather
can lead us into an uninspired funk.
Caffeinating may help, but running on extra-full throttle can leave you
even more drained than when you started.
So what’s next? Here are some
Take a
break. Make time to walk down the
hall, grab a healthy snack, work on something else, or take some PTO!
Get some
exercise. Take a short walk outside. Do some yoga.
It might throw your colleagues for a loop, but it’s good for your body
and brain to get that blood pumping!
inspiration in others. Few things
recharge my batteries and get me excited like new ideas. Make time for a good book. Checkout a blog. Go to lunch with a friend. You’ll find yourself rejuvenated, and maybe
even inspired!
Say No or
Ask for Help. We can only do so
much, and there are always plenty of
projects to take on. If there’s too much
on your plate, admit it. Ask for help or
consider passing on low-priority projects.
If we aren’t inspired, work is a chore.
Clear your head. Increase your
sanity. Gain new perspective.
How do you stay inspired at work?